The web's best running resources

running resources
(Image credit: Unknown)


The finest running routes site on the net, with thousands of routes already submitted by users and an idiot-proof creation system for you to submit your own. It’s also got plenty of support if you want to track your own training, or follow plans written by others. Best of all, it's free and you don't need to sign up to use it.  

The Running Barefoot

The semi-official website of shoeless-running pioneer Barefoot Ken Bob has everything from drills for improving your barefoot form to advice on dealing with stress fractures, and a thriving forum of like-minded people with very tough feet.  

Complete Running

Not so much a single site as a gigantic aggregator of blogs, The Complete Running Blog Network [to give it its full title] tackles every aspect of running from getting started to celebrity marathon times. Essential reading.  

Intelligent Running

In 2010, running coach George Anderson clocked a 2hr 59min marathon with only two running sessions a week. How? By avoiding junk miles, hitting the weights in the gym and focusing on quality over quantity of training. If you’re interested in doing the same, check out his website.

Running Diary

Once you’ve got the training locked in, all you need is a race to stay motivated. Running Diary lets you search for one by type, length, location and date, with plenty of links to charities who might be able to get you a fundraising slot.

Joel Snape

From 2008 to 2018, Joel worked for Men's Fitness, which predated, and then shared a website with, Coach. Though he spent years running the hills of Bath, he’s since ditched his trainers for a succession of Converse high-tops, since they’re better suited to his love of pulling vans, lifting cars, and hefting logs in a succession of strongman competitions.