4 ways to indulge yourself guilt free

(Image credit: Unknown)

Just because you're hitting the gym in search of a six-pack it doesn't mean that you have to completely cut out all of your favourite foods. There's a time and a place for some of those treats, and there are ways of having them without feeling guilty. We kid you not. 


When? After a weights workout 

Why? ‘A good-quality burger provides plenty of muscle-building protein,’ says Chris Chapman, nutritionist for CrossFit Reading. ‘Simple carbs in the burger bun replenish glycogen stores, and if you opt for grass-fed beef you’ll get a dose of omega 3s too.’

Chocolate milkshake

When? After a cardio session 

Why? ‘Its ratio of 4:1 carbs to protein provides optimal absorption for recovery,’ says Chapman. ‘Studies show chocolate milk can increase post-exercise muscle synthesis as well as cardiovascular endurance in cyclists.’

Spicy food

When? If you feel a cold coming on 

Why? ‘Chillies will lift your core temperature, making it a more hostile environment to bacteria,’ says Chapman. ‘Ginger and turmeric also contain antibacterial compounds.’


When? When you’re craving a treat

Why? ‘Popcorn is a good option, since a large proportion of it is air,’ Chapman says. ‘Dodge the salty or sweet cinema kinds and make your own, flavoured with antioxidant-rich paprika and parmesan for protein.’

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