Men's Fitness Friday Challenge 26/03/10
Say hello to the fifth Men's Fitness Challenge – two classic moves, one big test.

It's that time again. Roll up the sleeves of that wicking gym top and make sure the laces on those Nike LunaLites are done up nice and tight because you're going to be clean and pressing then squating as if your life depended on it. Here's how Clean, Squat works. Do five rounds of the following moves as quickly as you can:
- 10 clean and presses (use a weight that's one-third of your bodyweight)
- 10 squat jumps
You'll need to warm up before you get started so try this Men's Fitness Friday Challenge warm-up we've devised.
Don't forget to record how long it took you to complete the rounds because wewant you to post your time in the comment box that appears at the bottom ofthis article.
Oh, and feel free to use the comment boxes to tell us what you think about this Men's Fitness Friday Challenge and suggest challenges of your own.
If you want to see a step-by-step guide to the challenge (with pictures) and get form pointers, click here. Good luck with this Men's Fitness Friday Challenge and be sure to check back next Friday for the sixth one!
This Men's Fitness Friday Challenge was shot at London personal training studio Club 51.
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