Get Your Body Moving With This Kettlebell Complex
Get a taste of the workouts at MOVE, a new boutique fitness studio situated above a Fulham food hall

Not many fitness studios would put themselves next to a food hall and bar, but then MOVE doesn’t seem like most fitness studios. While we love pounding music and hard work in a fitness class, we were quite taken with MOVE’s bright, airy space and background music at a level that allowed us to hear trainer Christian Lewis-Pratt. And while we worked hard in the Kettlebell Flow session, the mobilitisation flows and warm-down periods meant we woke up the next day without feeling like we were going to be feeling that for a while. Also, we had a beer and a burrito afterwards.
Here’s a sample of the type of session we did from Lewis-Pratt. You’ll have to pay them a visit to sample the food – going on Saturday is a good idea because the Move and Munch class comes with a 20% discount on brunch dishes.
1 Cat-cow
Reps 10
On all fours, push your spine towards the sky and your shoulder blades away from each other as you inhale through your nose. Roll your shoulder blades back towards each other and push your sternum towards the floor while exhaling through your nose.
2 Thoracic rotation
Reps 10 each side
From the cat-cow position, bring your left foot to the outside of your left hand. Rock your hips back and forth ten times. Drop your left elbow towards the inside of your left foot, pause for a second, then rotate the left arm up and drop it behind you, stacking your shoulders so they’re in vertical alignment. Drop your elbow back to your foot to start the next rep. Complete all reps, then change sides.
3 Sit-out
Reps 5 each side
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Start in a top press-up position. Bring your left foot to the outside of your left hand, drop your left elbow towards the floor, then as you lift it again bring your right leg between your right hand and left foot to kick forwards. Reverse the movement, then repeat on the other side.
4 Squat flow
Time 2min
Squat down into a deep squat, bending your knees and lowering your glutes as far as you can. Put your left hand on the floor between your feet and rotate your right arm towards the ceiling, then repeat on the other side. Rock forwards onto all fours, and drive your heels down and raise your hips into a downward dog pose. Walk your hands forwards into a top press-up position. Bring your left foot to your left hand, then your right foot to your right hand so you’re back in the deep squat. Stand up, then repeat at your own speed.
Central Nervous System Primer
1A Squat
Sets 3 Reps 8
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing out slightly. Sit back to lower until your knees are bent at 90°, then push back up through your heels.
1B Nasal inhale/exhale to high knees
Sets 3
Breathe in and out through your nose three times, then after the final exhalation hold your breath and sprint on the spot until you need to breathe again. Settle your breathing back down, then repeat the sequence for three rounds in total.
Kettlebell Complex
This section alternates between a series of kettlebell exercises strung together into one movement pattern and a stint on any cardio machine you have to hand – an exercise bike, rowing machine, treadmill, SkiErg or other. For each you’ll work for 40 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds. Do four rounds in total.
1 Kettlebell single-arm row to clean to thruster
Start with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Hinge at the hips and row the kettlebell to your chest, keeping your elbow and arm tight to your body. Return the kettlebell to the floor, then clean the kettlebell by picking it up, letting it swing back between your legs and then explosively driving your hips forwards to pull the kettlebell up. Once the kettlebell reaches your stomach pull it gently towards you and slip your wrist under, finishing in the rack position (pictured) with the kettlebell by your shoulder, resting on the back of your wrist. Squat down as you push back up press the kettlebell overhead, finishing with your biceps tight to your ear. Return the kettlebell to your shoulder, then the floor. Repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for 40 seconds.
2 Cardio
Work on your cardio machine of choice at 70% to 80% intensity. You should be working hard but able to maintain this effort for the four 40-second rounds.
Run through the following circuit for as many rounds as possible in four minutes, resting for two minutes before moving on to the movements in AMRAP 2 (below). Take a minimum of three long breaths through your nose before starting a round.
1 Squat
Reps 6
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing out slightly. Sit back to lower until your knees are bent at 90°, then push back up through your heels.
2 Loaded bear to foot to hand
Reps 3 each side
In the top press-up position, bend your knees and push your bum back so it’s over your heels. Actively push your knees out and keep them off the floor. Push back to the top press-up position and bring your right foot towards your right hand. Reset and repeat.
3 Press-up
Reps 6
On all fours, with your legs straight and shoulders under your hands, drop your chest towards the floor, then push back up powerfully.
4 Primal hops
Reps 6
Stand, bend at the waist and place your hands next to your feet. Walk your hands forwards until you’re in the top press-up position. Jump your feet forwards to the outside of either hand, finishing with your heels down (and if hands up if needs be). Reverse the move to standing.
5 Walking lunge
Reps 3 each side
Stand, then take a large step forwards, bending your knees until both are at 90°. Push up and forwards through your leading leg and go straight into a lunge on your other leg.
See related
Follow the same format as in AMRAP 1.
1 Cardio
Depending on the machine available, either row 150m, run 150m or burn eight calories on an assault bike or SkiErg.
2 Single-arm kettlebell clean
Reps 4 each side
Start with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Pick it up, letting it swing back between your legs, then explosively drive your hips forwards to pull the kettlebell up. Once the kettlebell reaches your stomach pull it gently towards you and slip your wrist under, so you finish in the rack position with the kettlebell by your shoulder, resting on the back of your wrist.
3 Jump squat
Reps 4
Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, drop into a squat, then push up explosively into the air. Land softly.
4 Candlestick
Reps 4
From standing, squat down, then roll onto your back bringing your legs overhead. Roll forwards and stand back up without using your hands.
Follow the same format as above.
1 Candlestick
Reps 6
From standing, squat down, then roll onto your back bringing your legs overhead. Roll forwards and stand back up without using your hands.
2 Sit-out
Reps 3 each side
Start in a top press-up position. Bring your left foot to the outside of your left hand, drop your left elbow towards the floor, then as you lift it again bring your right leg between your right hand and left foot to kick forwards. Reverse the movement, then repeat on the other side.
3 Primal hops
Reps 6
Stand, bend at the waist and place your hands next to your feet. Walk your hands forwards until you’re in the high plank position. Jump your feet forwards to outside of either hand, finishing in a squat sit with your heels down. Reverse the move to standing.
4 Reverse walking lunge
Reps 3 each side
Stand, then take a large step backwards, bending your knees until both are at 90°. Push up and backwards through your front leg and move backwards into a lunge on your other leg.
Down Regulation
This training will have you amped up and in a “stress” (sympathetic) state. This workout ends with four minutes to move your body into a “rest and restore” (parasympathetic) state.
1 Cat-cow
Time 1min
On all fours, push your spine towards the sky and your shoulder blades away from each other as you inhale through your nose. Roll your shoulder blades back towards each other and push your sternum towards the floor while exhaling through your nose. Try to control your breath and move slowly.
2 Breathing exercise
Time 3min
Lie on your back with your eyes closed, your right hand on your diaphragm and your left hand on your chest. Breathing in and out through your nose, try to expand and flatten your diaphragm on inhalation and exhalation, keeping your chest as still as possible. Focus your attention on cold air being drawn in when you inhale and warm air being expelled as you exhale. As your heart rate slows, increase the length of your breaths, attempting to make the exhale longer than the inhale. With every breath sink a little further into the floor.
Visit MOVE at Market Hall Fulham’s website for more information
Jonathan Shannon was the editor of the Coach website from 2016 to 2024, developing a wide-ranging experience of health and fitness. Jonathan took up running while editing Coach and used the training plans on the site to run a sub-40min 10K, 1hr 28min half marathon and 3hr 6min marathon. He’s an advocate of cycling to work and is Coach’s e-bike reviewer, and not just because he lives up a bit of a hill. He also reviews fitness trackers and other workout gear.

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