Rebel Wilson’s PT Is Launching A Transformation Workout Plan

(Image credit: Unknown)

He helped Rebel Wilson lose a reported 25kg and is making Rita Ora sweat too, but from 7th June he could be your trainer as well. Sure, he’ll only come into your home in the virtual sense, but we bet the £35 to access Jono Castano’s six-week training plan is a lot less than Wilson and Ora had to pony up for his services.

The Australian PT is using the streaming platform LIVENow to release three workouts a week – one upper-body, one lower-body and one full-body. Each workout is a lunch break-friendly 45 minutes, and the recommended weekly schedule is to train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Castono will also host a weekly Q&A to give advice and guidance to those taking the course.

The workouts use free weights and resistance bands, but if you don’t have any there will be bodyweight substitutes offered for everything. The workouts are also designed to be scalable, so each move can be tailored to your fitness level.

We asked Castono for a taster session Coach readers could try, and he came back with this exclusive kit-free workout.

Jono Castano’s Bodyweight Workout

Perform each exercise for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. Once you’ve completed all eight exercises, rest for one minute, then repeat the round of exercises again, completing a total of five rounds.

Side lunge


(Image credit: Unknown)

Time 45sec Rest 15sec

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then take a large step out to the side. Keeping your standing leg straight, bend the knee of your leading leg to lower, making sure that knee stays over your toes. Push back up to standing. Alternate sides with each rep.

Commando plank


(Image credit: Unknown)

Time 45sec Rest 15sec

Start in a plank position, supporting yourself on your forearms and toes, with your body in a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Keeping your body as stable as possible, push up off your right forearm onto your right hand, then do the same on your left side. Reverse the move to return your elbows.

3 Single-leg glute bridge


(Image credit: Unknown)

Time 45sec Rest 15sec

Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and about hip-width apart. Lift and extend one leg. Push through your heel to lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, then lower under control. Alternate legs every round.

Jump squat


(Image credit: Unknown)

Time 45sec Rest 15sec

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Bend your knees and push your hips backwards to squat down, then explode up into a jump. Bend your knees as you land to soften the impact.



(Image credit: Unknown)

Time 45sec Rest 15sec

Support yourself on your hands, which should be directly below your shoulders, and toes, which should be hip-width apart. Lower yourself, then push back up.

Diamond sit-up


(Image credit: Unknown)

Time 45sec Rest 15sec

Lie on your back and create a diamond shape with your legs by putting the soles of your feet together. Extend your arms overhead, raise your torso off the floor, then lower back to the start.

Bicycle crunch


(Image credit: Unknown)

Time 45sec Rest 15sec

Lie on your back with your legs extended. Interlace your fingers behind your head, gently resting your head on your fingers. Press your lower back into the ground and bring your right knee in towards your chest as you rotate your torso to bring your left elbow towards your right knee. Repeat on the other side, and keep alternating sides.

Leg raise


(Image credit: Unknown)

Time 45sec Rest 15sec

Lie on the floor with your hands under your glutes. Keeping your legs straight, lift them to make a 90° angle with your torso, then lower them to just above the ground. Keep your lower back pressed into the floor throughout.

Sign up to Jono Castono’s six-week Body Transformation programme on LIVENow | £35

Jonathan Shannon
Former editor

Jonathan Shannon was the editor of the Coach website from 2016 to 2024, developing a wide-ranging experience of health and fitness. Jonathan took up running while editing Coach and used the training plans on the site to run a sub-40min 10K, 1hr 28min half marathon and 3hr 6min marathon. He’s an advocate of cycling to work and is Coach’s e-bike reviewer, and not just because he lives up a bit of a hill. He also reviews fitness trackers and other workout gear.