Eight Low-Impact Exercises To Help You Get Strong At Home

Woman performs the hundred exercise using dumbbells at home
(Image credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus / Drazen Zigic)

A low-impact workout doesn’t necessarily mean an easy workout. In fact, low-impact exercises can help build strength, improve posture, boost flexibility and aid co-ordination. 

Not sure where to start? Try this routine from Emily Rutherwood, a level 3 personal trainer and studio manager at FS8 Oxford Circus. FS8 is a chain of studios from high-intensity brand F45 and the new central London branch is its first location in the UK. It offers a style of workout that’s calmer but still challenging, with workouts that mix elements of Pilates, yoga and strength training.

Rutherwood has suggested these low-impact exercises as a way of trying the training method for yourself. The moves focus on your glutes, core and upper body. All you need is a set of medium-weight dumbbells and a mat. If you don’t have either, browse our round-up of the best dumbbells and best exercise mats.

Do each exercise for 30 seconds each (or each side where appropriate), continuing straight through with no breaks, and then take a 60-second break. Perform the circuit three times and get ready to feel the burn.

1 Glute bridge

Woman performs glute bridge exercise at home

(Image credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus / Drazen Zigic)

Time 30sec Rest 0sec

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Bring your feet towards your hips, then lift your hips as high as you can, engaging your glutes by squeezing your bum. Lower your hips. Repeat for 30 seconds.

2 Side plank leg lift

Woman performs side plank leg lift exercise at home

(Image credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus / Drazen Zigic)

Time 30sec each side Rest 0sec

Lie on one side, supporting your body on your forearm and knee. Bend the knee on the bottom leg to bring your foot towards your bum. Keep your upper leg straight, and with a flexed foot, raise and lower your leg without touching the floor.

3 Flutter kick

Man performs flutter kick exercise outdoors

(Image credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus)

Time 30sec Rest 0sec

Lie flat on your back with your arms by your sides. Engage your core and press your lower back into the floor as you lift your head and neck just off the floor, gazing at the ceiling throughout. Then lift your legs off the floor and, keeping them extended, raise one and lower the other, moving them up and down at pace. 

4 The hundred

Woman performs the hundred exercise using dumbbells at home

(Image credit: iStock / Getty Images Plus / Drazen Zigic)

Time 30sec Rest 0sec

Lie flat on your back with your arms by your sides. Engage your core and press your lower back into the floor as you lift your head and neck just the floor, gazing at the ceiling. Lift your arms and legs slightly off the floor. Keeping your legs still, lift your arms a short distance then lower, repeating at pace. If this is too difficult, lift your legs slightly higher and bend your knees slightly. 

5 Toe-tap crunch

Man performs toe-tap crunch exercise at home

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Time 30sec Rest 0sec

Lie on your back and raise your legs, keeping them extended. Engage your core, lift your head and neck off the floor, and reach your arms and fingertips towards your toes. Using your abdominal muscles, crunch upwards towards your toes, and lower. 

6 Dumbbell renegade row

Women perform renegade row exercise using dumbbells in a studio

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Time 30sec Rest 0sec

Begin in a high plank position, hands holding dumbbells directly under your shoulders, with your feet hip-width apart. Maintain a neutral spine and ensure that your hips are level. Exhale and press into your right hand to stabilise your body as you lift the left dumbbell to your rib cage, drawing your elbow past your torso. Inhale and return the dumbbell to the floor with control. Repeat on the other side.

7 Kneeling dumbbell triceps kick-back

Time 30sec Rest 0sec

Kneeling on the floor, hinge slightly forwards from your hips, keeping your spine neutral. Hold dumbbells that are a comfortable weight for you, with your elbows tight to your ribs. Engage your triceps to extend your arms behind you. Return to the start under control.

8 Kneeling dumbbell reverse flye

Time 30sec Rest 60sec

Kneeling on the floor, hinge slightly forwards from your hips, keeping your spine neutral. Hold dumbbells that are a comfortable weight for you, and bring your hands together in front of your hips. Engage your shoulders and raise the dumbbells out to the sides. Return to the start under control.

More Low-Impact Workouts To Try

Lucy Gornall

Lucy is an experienced health and fitness journalist, and was formerly health editor for TI Media’s portfolio of women’s titles. Lucy qualified as a level 3 personal trainer with Train Fitness in 2016, and also holds qualifications in pre- and post-natal fitness, as well as in nutrition for exercise.