The Best Sleep Trackers To Help You Catch Some Quality Zzzz

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Gadgets have infiltrated almost every aspect of life, and it’s not only your waking hours that can be spent interacting with the latest technological marvels – gizmos designed to help improve your snooze are now available in abundance. Here are a few of our favourites.

Nokia Sleep


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Slip this sensor pad under your mattress and you can sleep safe in the knowledge you’ll wake up to a detailed breakdown of your snoozing performance, including the time spent in REM, light and deep sleep, and how long it took you to fall asleep. And if you want an at-a-glance indication, turn to your Sleep Score, which takes into account duration, depth, interruptions and several other factors to give you a score out of 100. Bear in mind that Nokia bought the Withings brand in 2016, but has now sold its health division back to the founder of Withings, so this sleep tracker’s name could change back to Withings once the dust settles.

Buy from Nokia | £99.95


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Wrist sleep trackers tend to live and die by how good the partner software is, and this is where Fitbit excels above all others. Within the Fitbit app there are three key features to track and improve your sleep: Sleep Stages, Sleep Schedule and Sleep Insights. Sleep Stages automatically plots the time you spent in deep, light and REM sleep on a graph of your night’s rest, while Sleep Schedule encourages you to maintain a consistent bedtime, something that is linked with higher-quality sleep. Sleep Insights taps into Fitbit’s vast database of users to plot your sleep against other people so you can see how you compare with others of your age and sex, and also provides personalised tips to help you sleep better. It’s a genuinely useful package which sets Fitbit above most other wearable manufacturers. It’s available on all models with a heart rate monitor, but we’ve recommended the Versa, because it’s light and comfortable.

Buy from Fitbit | £199.99

Beddit 3

The Beddit 3 goes under the sheet and above your mattress, but is so slight that you won’t notice it at all while you’re sleeping. Unless you’re a princess, perhaps. Along with tracking your sleep duration and assigning it an efficiency rating, the Beddit 3 sensor will log your heart rate and respiration while asleep, as well as keeping tabs on your sleep environment by recording the temperature and humidity in your bedroom. All the info the Beddit 3 records is viewable in a partner app, but that’s only available on the App Store. Apple bought Beddit in 2017, so an Android version is unlikely to be coming any time soon.

Buy from Apple | £129.95

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Misfit Ray


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Many wrist trackers monitor sleep automatically, but what sets the Misfit Ray apart in this area is its comfortable and lightweight design that means you won’t notice you’re wearing it at all as you sleep. It also helps that the Ray has a six-month battery life, so you don’t have to charge it at night. Like most trackers it gives details on sleep patterns, breaking down the periods you spend in light and deep sleep.


(Image credit: Unknown)

Buy from Misfit | £29.99

Nick Harris-Fry
Senior writer

Nick Harris-Fry is a journalist who has been covering health and fitness since 2015. Nick is an avid runner, covering 70-110km a week, which gives him ample opportunity to test a wide range of running shoes and running gear. He is also the chief tester for fitness trackers and running watches, treadmills and exercise bikes, and workout headphones.